Abstract Figuratives-
"If your concept of art is something that quietly hangs on the wall and matches the sofa, Martiangelo's work is not it. Her work has stage presence, attitude, and point of view. In particular, her portraits of women invite--no, demand--interaction. Bristling with attitude, they confront, challenge, and evoke empathy.
Carli is a case in point. A woman and her cat are caught in a moment of repose. The line is clean, uncomplicated, and flowing. Carli reclines, not limply, but deliberately. Her relaxed companion, the ginger cat, is a direct contrast to Carli's more formal pose. He trusts Carli, but do we? The viewer has an impression of self-assuredness and cool distance. There is no coyness in her direct gaze. The starkness of the sleek black dress is relieved by the glittery brocading on the costume and the classic pattern of the settee. Even the background hints at texture and swirling colors. What looks simple and uncomplicated is actually much more complex. The facade--bouffant hair, kohl-lined eyes, sculpted lips--is just that: a facade. What lies beyond? Each time we contemplate the piece, the answer may be different. And that dynamic is the most fascinating element of Martiangelo's abstract impressionistic portraits."
-Peggy Swanson

Peggy Swenson graciously agreed to author the above guest critique. She chose "Carli", an earlier work from Martiangelo. Peggy is a retired teacher from the Alden High School. Now she spends her time gardening cooking and managing a small organic on-line business.