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Recent Interview
Mark Anderson, Host
Barb and Neil Lang, Guests
Recent Interview
Mark Anderson, Host
George Dress, Guest
Recent Interview
Mark Anderson, Host
Denny Tostenson, Guest

* Docent (n): an interpreter and/or guide for galleries
Interview with an Albert Lea
Celebrity- Joan Muschler
Renowned performance artist Joan Muschler joined Mark Anderson in Martiangelo's Georgetown studio to share her story, discuss the Arts, and to provide entertainment for the crowd that had gathered there. Watch the interview below!
Docent* Report
Docent reports/debates are a way of opening discussions on Martiangelo's art while promoting creativity and artistic inspiration. These will be formatted as an online forum, featuring multiple voices with different perspectives and interpretations of the subject. We thank our participants for offering their intellectual property for this project.
Recent Debate- 3/10/2020
Mark Anderson, Docent Extraordinaire and Host
Meg Ehrhardt, Guest Critic

The Debate
Debate #3- 1/22/2020
Mark Anderson, Docent Extraordinaire and Host
Jan Waller, Guest Critic
Debate #2- 1/10/2020
Mark Anderson, Docent Extraordinaire and M.C.
Jerry Noland, Guest Critic
Debate #1- 12/1/2020
Mark Anderson, Renaissance Man
Dr. Bill Buege, Guest Critic

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